Probiotics In Aquaculture
The fundamental concept of probiotics is one or more microorganisms with beneficial effects for its host. Even though the use of probiotics in aquaculture is quite new, the interest of using them has peaked due to their unwavering potential in disease control. It is now widely recognized as an environmentally friendly alternative to antibiotics.
Probiotic microorganisms are able to colonize the gastrointestinal tract when applied over the course of a long period of time because they have a higher multiplication rate. Of course, this is also dependent on several factors such as aquatic animal species, their body temperature, current health, different enzyme levels, genetic resistance, and the water quality, etc.
Probiotics have recently been widely used in aquaculture to promote the growth of several aquatic animal species. In actuality, the efficacy of these products to increase the appetite of these auqautic animals is still yet unknown. However, on the other hand, many wonder if it is in their nature, for digestibility to be improved upon using probiotics. No matter what the case may be, many people believe that it could be a combination of both factors.