The Role and Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis in Agriculture Part 2
First, Bacillus subtilis improves soil structure by utilizing humus in soil for large-scale reproduction, decomposing organic matter in soil, not only increasing effective nutrients in soil, but also improving soil structure and preventing soil compaction.
Furthermore, Bacillus subtilis can promote crop growth. It achieves this by producing various hormones and vitamins during its reproduction process, which not only increases soil nutrient content, but increasing yield, and improve agricultural product quality.
Finally, using Bacillus subtilis creates an antagonistic effect. It can provide high resistance to repeated cropping. During its growth period, it can secrete bacteriocins, organic acids, and lipopeptides, which can inhibit the growth of pathogenic bacteria or dissolve them completely. The "chitinase antibacterial protein" secreted by Bacillus subtilis can inhibit various plant pathogens. Bacillus subtilis can achieve competitive inhibition of pathogenic bacteria by competing for space, nutrients, and other means.