Improving Animal Feeds: Focus on Poultry


Focus on Poultry

The poultry industry was one of the first to embrace enzyme feed usage. The poultry sector adapts quickly to modern technologies. Most poultry feeds used in the industry have enzymes added to improve their digestibility and increase nutrient uptake.

Three Classes of Enzymes in Poultry Feed

Poultry feed can contain three classes of enzymes: phytases, carbohydrases, and proteases.


In animal feeds, exogenous phytases becomes a critical additive. Monogastric animals such as swine and poultry have intestinal microorganisms that produce phytases, However, these microorganisms reside in the large intestine, where very little phosphorus can be absorbed.

Poultry feed can contain three classes of enzymes: phytases


Carbohydrase enzymes degrade starch, releasing the molecules that form a usable source of energy for the animal. Like phytase, carbohydrase quickly proved effective and popular as a feed additive. Two of the most commonly used carbohydrase enzymes are the amylase and xylanase enzymes.

Using carbohydrases dramatically improves the digestibility of carbohydrates in animal feed.


Protease catalyzes the digestion of protein, quickly breaking it down into usable nutrients once ingested by the animal. It is instrumental as an additive to soybean meal.

In poultry farming, amylase, xylanase, and protease are often combined to improve egg production and growth.

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