Improving Animal Feeds: Benefits of Enzymes in Animal Feed


Benefits of Enzymes

The use of enzymes in animal feed has several health, environmental, and economic benefits. By increasing the absorption rate of nutrients in the gut, enzyme supplements are an effective way of promoting general good health among livestock. Animals will remain healthier for longer, since more efficient absorption of nutrients from their feed helps to promote enteric health and inhibit the growth of disease-causing bacteria. This can reduce the incidence of disease and illness among animals, cutting veterinary costs and improving overall efficiency.

 Enzymes are also an effective way of aiding the weaning process for young animals

Benefits of Enzymes in Animal Feed

Enzymes are also an effective way of aiding the weaning process for young animals, as those below a certain age lack the full complement of enzymes required for effective digestion. Their inability to completely digest a non-milk diet often leads to gastrointestinal problems and an elevated mortality rate, both of which can be avoided with the addition of enzymes to their diet.

When added to the diet of hens, enzyme supplements were found to boost not only weight gain and health, but also to increase egg production. By increasing the volume of meat or eggs produced by individual livestock, enzyme supplements can improve profits significantly.

Using enzymes in animal feed also benefits the environment. Animals that can properly digest a larger percentage of their feed thus producing less manure, which contains smaller quantities of phosphorus and nitrogen. Such compounds have a deleterious effect on the environment.

How to Use Enzymes in Feed

There are two ways of using enzymes to improve the efficiency of animal feed. First, you can use them to reformulate the feed, reducing costs. By using higher fiber by-products than is possible without enzymes, you can replace some of the wheat, corn, or barley in the animals diet and reduce the fat level. Moreover, one can add enzymes directly to feed and produce more meat or eggs, thus significantly saving poultry manufacturing cost.

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