Improving Animal Feeds: Focus On Aquaculture


Depending on your need, several excellent enzyme additions can significantly improve your profitability, depending on your industry:


Developing inexpensive feeds for the ever-increasing growth of the aquaculture industry has become a necessity if participants want to remain profitable. In addition to improving nutritional absorption, reducing nitrogen and phosphate pollution from excreta has become an important goal for the aquaculture industry.

Plant-based feed, the standard type for aquaculture, contains naturally-occurring phosphorus that is essential for fish growth. The ideal fish diet requires the absorption of between 0.4 percent and 0.9 percent of the phosphorus contained in one serving of feed for growth and good health. The binding action of phytate inhibits the release of phosphorus, limiting the absorption of the nutrient in the digestive tract, so it is excreted instead.

Use of the phytase enzyme effectively addresses this issue, so more phosphorus is absorbed. Similarly, the carbohydrase enzyme improves carbohydrate and fiber digestion in fish, and proteases help break down hydrolyze proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids so the fish may use them.

Our Enzyme Complex for Aquaculture is a compound enzyme which is made up of a combination of enzymes and microbes that works well to help improve the health of farm-grown fish, shrimp, prawns, and mollusks, as well as that of the surrounding environment. The Enzyme Complex product also combines enzymes with microbes to increase the nutritional absorption rates of fishminimizing mortality rates and decreasing stress.

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