• Why Is the GH10 Family of Xylanases More Effective?

    Among the enzymes that play a critical role in optimizing animal nutrition, xylanase is widely acknowledged for its ability to break down complex polysaccharides in plant-based feed ingredients, improving nutrient utilization and overall animal performance. However, in recent decades, despite advances in production, processing technologies, and utilization of by-products, xylanase enzyme technology has lagged behind, especially in flexibility required for modern diet formulation.

  • Increasing the Digestive Efficiency of Local Raw Materials with Enzymes PART 2

    Market pressures and a growing interest in sustainability are driving interest in the use of alternative (local) raw materials in swine diets. Alternatives, especially processed raw materials and co-products, tend to be higher in phytate, fibre and indigestible protein, than the parent grain or oil-seed. This reduces feed efficiency. Therefore, the use of enzymes in swine diets containing alternative raw materials can also deliver benefits for sustainability, as losses are minimized and reduced.

  • Importance of Probiotics on Animal Growth and Agriculture

    In recent years, probiotics have gained significant attention as a potential solution to improve animal growth and productivity. Researchers have been exploring the benefits of adding probiotics to animal feed, and the results so far have been promising.

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