• Increasing The Digestive Efficiency of Local Raw Materials with Enzymes PART 1

    Market pressures and a growing interest in sustainability are driving interest in the use of alternative (local) raw materials in swine diets. Alternatives, especially processed raw materials and co-products, tend to be higher in phytate, fibre and indigestible protein, than the parent grain or oil-seed. This reduces feed efficiency. Therefore, the use of enzymes in swine diets containing alternative raw materials can also deliver benefits for sustainability, as losses are minimized and reduced.

  • What Are Feed Additives?

    Feed additives are substances added to animal feed to enhance its nutritional value, improve animal health, and promote growth. They have become an essential part of modern animal production systems due to their ability to improve animal performance, reduce feed costs, and enhance food safety. The use of feed additives has become increasingly important as the demand for animal protein products continues to grow worldwide. This research article examines the importance of feed additives in the growth of animals, their types, and their benefits.

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