Future Development Trends of Alkaline Protease in Animal Husbandry


Development of New Alkaline Proteases

With the continuous development of biotechnology such as genetic engineering and protein engineering, the development of new alkaline proteases will become possible. These new products will have higher activity, better stability, and a wider range of applications, which can better meet the needs of animal husbandry production.

Composite Application of Alkaline Protease and Other Additives

The composite application of alkaline protease and other additives will become one of the future development directions. By combining with other additives, the synergistic effects of various additives can be fully utilized to improve feed utilization and animal production performance. For example, combining it with probiotics, enzyme preparations, etc. can further improve animal intestinal health and enhance immunity.

Intelligent and Precision Applications

With the continuous development of intelligent and precision breeding technology, the application of alkaline protease will also become more intelligent and precise. By utilizing advanced technologies, precise control and optimization of alkaline protease applications can be achieved, thereby improving application effectiveness and economic benefits.


New Types of Alkaline Proteases

The commonly used types of new alkaline proteases in animal husbandry mainly include papain, alkaline pectinase, and alkaline amylase.

Papain: This is an alkaline protease extracted from papaya milk, which has good thermal stability and acid-base stability. It is often used for meat tenderization in the food industry, which makes it potentially valuable for meat processing in animal husbandry.

Alkaline pectinase: This is a type of pectinase that functions in alkaline environments and is mainly present in microbial bodies. It can catalyze the hydrolysis of pectin and is commonly used in the juice processing industry to improve the transparency and taste of fruit juice. Although mainly used for juice processing, it may be used in animal husbandry for processing feed raw materials to improve feed utilization and animal digestion efficiency.

Alkaline amylase: This type of alkaline enzyme can catalyze the hydrolysis reaction of starch and is commonly used in various fields such as food processing, papermaking, and textile industries. In animal husbandry, it may be used for the pretreatment of starch in feed, which helps animals better digest and absorb nutrients in the feed.

In addition, although not directly mentioned as "new alkaline protease", other types of enzyme preparations may also be used in animal husbandry, such as amylase produced from different microorganisms, which also have broad application prospects in animal husbandry. However, regarding the specific types of "new alkaline proteases", further determination may be needed based on the latest scientific research progress and industry trends.


Alkaline protease, as an important feed additive, has shown broad application prospects in animal husbandry. It can help improve the production efficiency and sustainable development level of animal husbandry by increasing feed utilization, improving animal intestinal health, and reducing environmental pollution. In the future, with the development of new alkaline proteases, the promotion of composite application technology, and the development of intelligent and precise applications, the application of alkaline proteases in animal husbandry will be more extensive and in-depth.

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